I have had the privilege of witnessing three presidential elections while living in the USA. Needless to say, none have been more intriguing than those of 2008. These elections are historical. There are currently three viable candidates: a war hero at 72 (never stop dreaming); the first woman candidate; and the first African America male to get this far in the race. Intriguing indeed.
One thing that has also intrigued me are the polling statistics. Each week the polls are changing, favoring one candidate over the other. The Republican Party already has their presumptive nominee, while the Democratic Party is still battling it out between Senators' Clinton and Obama. Since the Democratic Party is yet to have their presumptive nominee, each candidate is using the polling data to make their case of electability. The interesting thing though about these polls is that the change based on what the candidates or their surrogates have said. What is even more interesting is this, depending on which network one gets their information from, the polling statistics are all different. Some show McCain defeating Clinton. Some Show Clinton defeating McCain. Some show Obama defeating McCain. Still, some show McCain defeating Obama. All these polls are released weekly…and one is left to wonder which polls to believe…if each network claims its accuracy.
There are those who, regardless of what their candidate says or what the polls are reflecting, will stand by them…even if the candidates says the moon is green, when its not. They are loyalists to the core. And then there are those people who are still on the fence trying to decide who they will vote for, depending on how the candidates fair during the week…sometimes a dangerous way of making a decision. As I have intently observed these elections, I have realized that, indeed, it takes guts to not be swayed by polls.
In as much as we have been paying attention to the polls and the candidates, there is a poll and its candidate who is forever established, regardless of what we feel, how we feel, or what the candidate says. He will not have to concede a point. He will not have to denounce or reject a statement or an endorsement. He will never flip flop on a decision. He is not disingenuous. He does not mis-speak. He does not get his "facts" wrong. He is the living God.
Sometimes I believe we approach God the way we are approaching these elections-What will He say to please me so that I can cast my vote for Him? What will He do so that I can vote for Him? Does He have His facts right? Will He change His mind? Can I trust Him? Maybe I will trust Him next week when He blesses me...maybe I will make my decision then!
Here is a reality though about this candidate and His Polls:
What He has said has been established since time immemorial. He does not have to lure us to be impressed. He is who He says He is, whether we agree with Him or not. His polling stats on this record are at an alarming 100 points margin of victory.
He does not have to retract His words, apologize for what He says. His word is forever established in the heavens. His polling stats on this record are also at an alarming 100 points margin of victory:
“For the word of God is living and active and sharper than any two-edged sword, and piercing as far as the division of soul and spirit, of both joints and marrow, and able to judge the thoughts and intentions of the heart. And there is no creature hidden from His sight, but all things are open and laid bare to the eyes of Him with whom we have to do.” (Heb 4:12-13)
His endorsements come from Himself because He is the creator of the universe. He does not have to apologize to anyone for His own endorsements. His polling stats on this record are at an alarming 100 points margin of victory. “I am who I say I am” (Ex 3:14)
He is not losing or winning by double digits. He is forever established as the winner, at triple digits…100 points:
“He who is the blessed and only Sovereign, the King of kings and Lord of lords, who alone possesses immortality and dwells in unapproachable light, whom no man has seen or can see. To Him be honor and eternal dominion! Amen." (I Tim 6: 15-17)
When our hearts are fickle, turned to and from based on the voices we hear in this political season, His voice is constant; His heart towards us is not fickle. He understands we are human, so when we are faithless, He remains faithful. Need I say an alarming 100 points margin of victory on this too?
His campaign team consists of three total (Father, Son, Holy Spirit). They are all about seeing that no one should perish, but that all should come to the saving grace of Jesus Christ. The only campaign God is out to destroy is the campaign of Satan, his demons, and his works. These works include unforgiveness, worry, lies, adultery, envy, hatred, and prejudice-in short sin and its effects. God has a support staff to combat Satan’s campaign. And who is this support staff on this campaign trail? We the church, the body of Christ!! It is our responsibility to take orders from the Chief Campaigner and His strategist to defeat Satan.
If the church can campaign against the works of Satan and take a stand the way these candidates are campaigning against each other to be in office, this would be a different world!!
Yes, this election year is intriguing, but whatever the outcome, whoever the nominee, one thing can be certain; the candidates will never be the true saviors of the world. There is only one savior and that is Jesus Christ. They will never fulfill all the promises they make to the people listening to them. There is only one God who can fulfill His promises to His people. "He watches over His word to fulfill it," not man's words.
The polls will continue to change between now and the general elections, until we have the next President of the United States of America. But there is a candidate whose polls will never change. He is always in office. He does not have to be re-elected. He does not have to raise money to remain in the race. His polling stats on this record are at an alarming 100 points margin of victory. He is God!
I suggest these are the poll numbers we seriously consider as we journey on the stage called life.
"Therefore, my beloved brethren, be steadfast, immovable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, knowing that your toil is not in vain in the Lord." (I Cor 15:58)
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